How to Improve your Relationship with Food and Plant Based Meats

In this episode of Models Diet, Nina discusses how to develop a healthy relationship with food. She speaks about letting hunger cues guide you, not judging foods as either good or bad, and not letting others dictate your food choices, and about ways to know if we have a healthy relationship with food. In this Models Diet segment we will be discussing plant based meats. Segment starts @ 15:31

Having a healthy relationship with food is essential for our overall well being. It is not just about fueling our bodies but also about pleasure, traditions, socialization, and more. Our relationship with food is complex and can be difficult to navigate. 

One indication of a healthy relationship with food is eating when hungry and stopping when full. We should also give ourselves permission to eat the foods we enjoy without obsessing over calories or the scale, and be mindful of our bodies and how we eat. With a little bit of self-awareness and self-care, we can have a healthy relationship with food.

A helpful tip for you to improve your relationship with food is to modify recipes you love. You can still indulge in delicious meals without compromising any health goals by making small changes and making your favorite foods healthier and more nutritious. There are so many resources going around on the internet that you can use to find ideas of healthy meals and modifications of, literally, any dish. You can turn to podcasts like this one, to social media platforms, search engines, YouTube, etc. 

This will help you avoid meal burnout and still enjoy delicious meals. Meal planning can also help us stay on track with your eating. Tune in to the episode to find out more about this topic!

Eating whole foods that are unprocessed and unrefined, meaning they are as close to their natural state as possible. This means they are free of added preservatives, artificial colors, and other chemicals, but packed with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

Models Diet Segment: Plant Based Meats

As an ex-vegan, Nina has a lot to say about this topic. From good experiences with “fake” meats that actually taste like the real thing, to her point of view of the trendiest brands of plant based meats and their, not so healthy, ingredients. As well as pros and cons of consuming this type of food.  

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Host IG: @theninadaniels

Executive Producer IG: @fallonjethroe

Project Manager IG: @missfriday

Audio Engineer: @emmyk10

How to Improve your Relationship with Food and Plant Based Meats

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