This week on Models Diet Nina chats with actor and comedian Tone Bell. Tone shares tips on how he elevated his lifestyle after he got his fur baby Oliver, why he won’t date a woman with a dog, his fitness routine, and his dramatic role in the United States vs Billie Holiday. In this week’s Models Diet segment we will be discussing the carnivore diet. Segment starts @ 30:05
Tone Bell, is an actor, comedian, producer, and you can watch him on HBO’s, A Black Lady Sketch Show, and in The United States vs. Billie Holiday movie as John Levy. If you want to be in a good mood, this conversation between two friends will keep you laughing as Tone narrates how a date’s dog could ruin a promising night, why tofu is not really a thing, what he likes to eat and what he doesn’t, why he’s been lifting weights and of course, he talks about his dog’s, Oliver, adventures since being adopted by Tone.
Contrary to what you might have been told, eating only meat is a possibility, whether it is ideal or not, that’s a topic for another day. Nina’s doctor recommended this type of diet, to help her combat inflammation. After almost a month of the carnivore diet, in which she has eaten high quality meat, eggs, butter, and nothing else, Nina shares how she feels, the results she’s been having and everything that she knows about being on a carnivore diet.
Follow Nina Daniels on Instagram
Website: Nina Daniels: Stand-Up Musical Comedian & Black Cellist
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Host IG: @theninadaniels
Executive Producer IG: @fallonjethroe
Project Manager IG: @missfriday
Audio Engineer: @calvinbailiff