Sometimes, our obsession with achieving a specific body image can lead us to overwork ourselves, which ultimately proves to be unhealthy. When over-exercising, we often neglect our inner selves as we become consumed by exercising and the goals we hope to achieve through it. However, there are ways of exercising that allow us to contemplate our life goals and relish in our own company. These exercises can be transformative, helping us reduce stress and achieve balance. Exercise is not solely about attaining a particular slim figure we see on social media. Instead, it should be more about embracing our bodies, understanding our true selves, and working towards our individual fitness goals. Working out and dieting solely to conform to societal expectations can be incredibly stressful. However, finding enjoyment, being in tune with oneself, and cultivating self-love will facilitate faster progress toward our fitness objectives.
Join the conversation with Greta Scarano, an Italian actress, as she shares an in-depth look at her personal journey, including insights into her workout routine, diet, and overall lifestyle as an actress to provide tips on how you can create a powerful and sustainable diet and workout routine that will help you embrace your body and achieve your fitness goals without overtraining or feeling overwhelmed.
Listen and learn how to shift our focus away from society’s standards and prioritize our own happiness, health, and self-perception. Every woman is unique and beautiful in her own way, and we mustn’t fret over our size but rather strive to be fit and surround ourselves with people who accept us for who we are. Cultivating body positivity is of utmost importance.
Let’s dive in!
33:55 Time for the Model’s Diet Segment – the Peloton Craze
Key Highlights from the Episode;
[00:01] Intro, a bit about Greta Scarano and what she is up to
[04:04] What Greta had for breakfast and lunch today
[05:26] How fitness plays an active role in Greta’s lifestyle
[10:45] Differences between Italian and American actresses
[14:24] High-intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts and what it is
[15:54] Greta’s favorite and go-to beer
[16:52] Greta’s workout routine during the pandemic
[21:01] Why walking is an amazing exercise for your body
[22:33] What Greta eats before and after workouts, and why
[24:51] Embracing your body and how Greta got to this point
[30:57] Greta’s message to her Italian listeners
[31:37] How to reach out and connect to the Greta
[33:55] Time for the Model’s Diet Segment – The Peloton Craze
[37:45] Wrap up and end the show
Notable quotes
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gretascarano/?hl=en
Follow Nina Daniels on Instagram
Website: Nina Daniels: Stand-Up Musical Comedian & Black Cellist
Have a question? Reach out to us at: modelsdietseries@gmail.com
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Host IG: @theninadaniels
Executive Producer IG: @fallonjethroe
Project Manager IG: @missfriday
Audio Engineer: @calvinbailiff