Life Style

Life Style, Podcast

Top 3 myths about sleep, big secret revealed, yellow fever vaccine challenges.

Life Style, Podcast

USDA Approved The Sale Of Lab Grown Chicken But Who Will Eat It? Walking Challenge Struggle, Dieting While Vacationing?

Life Style, Podcast

Oral cancer- the invisible killer, mouth cancer symptoms and causes, the cancer diet secret

Hey There


Who Is Nina Daniels? Hi! I’m Nina. Nice to meet you!

I recently relocated my home base from sunny Los Angeles to Little America aka Maryland for love. Probably the stupidest and best decision I ever made. I decided to start blogging when people kept asking me for advice on various subjects or just wanted to learn more about one of my crazy diets. I quickly realized I love sharing my experiences.. If my secrets, tips and tricks make your life easier than I’m all about it! Thanks so much for being here!