Are you looking for a simple, easy way to breathe new life into your old clothes? Upcycling is a fantastic solution that allows you to transform your wardrobe. Upcycling clothes means taking items you no longer wear or that have minor flaws and turning them into something fresh, fashionable, and uniquely yours. Whether repurposing fabrics or altering the design, upcycling allows you to unleash your creativity. Grab your sewing kit as we dive into upcycling with Chelsea Carter. Chelsey Alexandrea Carter-Sanders, a native of Saint Louis, MO, is the owner of the Alex Carter brand based in Chicago, IL.
In the model’s diet segment, we talk about intermittent fasting for weight loss. Instead of focusing on what foods you eat, it’s all about when you eat them. This means dividing your day into specific periods of eating and fasting. During the fasting period, your body uses stored fat as an energy source, which can lead to weight loss. It is like giving your body a break from constantly digesting food, allowing it to burn fat and become healthier. So, by following intermittent fasting, you can shed those extra pounds while still enjoying your favourite foods.
Let’s dive in!
29:25 Time for the Model’s Diet Segment – Intermittent fasting for weight loss
[00:01] Intro and what is in for you today’s show
[02:50] What upcycling means
[04:48] A brief backstory of how Chelsea got started in fashion
[06:22] The source of her inspiration for fashion and design
[07:56] How Chelsea started without knowing if there would be opportunities
[12:54] First things to look for when upcycling clothing
[15:51] Chelsea’s personal style
[17:56] How to know the difference between whether to upcycle clothing or not
[21:19] Tips on how fashion designers can organise their closet
[23:29] Chelsea’s marriage in relation to her fashion and design
[25:21] Her self-care, other than clothing
[28:00] Best ways to reach out and connect with Chelsea
[29:25] Time for the Model’s Diet Segment – Intermittent fasting for weight loss
[33:35] Wrap up and end the show
Notable quotes
Websites: https://www.blkwomenareessential.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlexandreaCarte
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alexcarterbrand/
Follow Nina Daniels on Instagram
Website: Nina Daniels: Stand-Up Musical Comedian & Black Cellist
Have a question? Reach out to us at: modelsdietseries@gmail.com
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Host IG: @theninadaniels
Executive Producer IG: @fallonjethroe
Project Manager IG: @missfriday
Audio Engineer: @calvinbailiff